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16 topics found
Mental health prevention for young people
Submitted by Katarzyna SocLab / 24 October 2023, 16:07
The Youth Council of Bialystok (Poland), in cooperation with the SocLab Foundation, has developed recommendations on mental health prevention. They are based on a diagnosis carried out during the Youth Forum on Mental Health "Youth for Youth" on 13 June 2023. More than 50 male and female students from secondary schools participated. Together, we diagnosed problems in three areas: stress, fatigue, depression. We listened to and recorded the experiences of the young people and their ideas on how they can be supported. We invite you to discuss these solutions. Perhaps you have other ideas? The recommendations were developed by: Representatives of the Youth Council of the City of Bialystok: Bartosz Cieślak, Patrycja Jacewicz, Konrad Ochrymiuk Pawel Potas. From SocLab Foundation: Dr. Katarzyna Sztop-Rutkowska, Michal Lemanski.
Public Health Topic: Strengthening the sun protection competence of the population
Submitted by birgitschauer / 10 September 2023, 07:33
How can sun protection skills be taught? What sun protection measures exist and what effects do sunburns in childhood have on health in adulthood? In a virtual series of events entitled "Research cooperation in practice: making population studies useful for the public health service", employees from municipal health offices - the local public health service - discussed which topics are relevant to their work and would benefit from being addressed via the JoinUs4Health platform. One of these topics deals with aspects of health behaviour with the aim of developing measures to strengthen the sun protection competence of the population and to create a collection of sun protection measures in kindergartens and schools.
Public Health topic: Strengthening the mental health of children and young people
Submitted by Nicole / 10 September 2023, 07:26
What findings are there on school absenteeism and how can trauma experiences in childhood be recognised? In a virtual series of events entitled "Research cooperation in practice: making population studies usable for the public health service", staff from municipal health offices - the local public health service - discussed which topics are relevant to their work and would benefit from being addressed via the JoinUs4Health platform. One of these topics deals with aspects of mental health with the aim of being able to develop measures to strengthen mental health and resources in childhood at the municipal level.
Public Health topic: Climate change and health
Submitted by birgitschauer / 7 September 2023, 08:21
Heat waves are becoming more and more frequent. The heat leads to increased physical stress, a reduction in well-being and performance, and even heat-related deaths. In a virtual event series entitled "Research cooperation in practice: making population studies useful for the public health service", employees from municipal health offices - the local public health service - discussed which topics are relevant to their work and would benefit from being processed via the JoinUs4Health platform. The aim of this topic is to better understand heat events and their impact on health. In this context, it is particularly important for the public health service at district level to be able to plan and implement measures, activities or even information campaigns at local level as efficiently and specifically as possible. Representatives of the health authorities, scientists and citizens are cordially invited to participate in this exchange!
Proposals from animal owners in SHIP-One Health
Submitted by birgitschauer / 23 August 2023, 09:44
"What question currently interests you most when it comes to the topic of human and animal health?" Since mid-2021, we posed this question to all participants of the SHIP One Health module. Feel free to comment: What interests you most and why? Or be inspired by previous answers from SHIP participants.
Diabetes and pre-diabetes – call for preventive action
Submitted by pawelsowa / 12 June 2023, 10:20
Diabetes remains a major public health priority due to the steady increase in its prevalence. More than 6% - equivalent to approximately 537 million people in the global population - are affected by type 2 diabetes [1]. Although typically diagnosed in middle-aged people (45-64 years), the prevalence is increasing in all age groups. Equally dangerous can be the pre-diabetic state is an intermediate hyperglycaemic state with elevated blood glucose parameters above normal but below the threshold for diabetes [2]. Such a state is classified as dysglycaemia and is a prelude to diabetes [2]. The incidence of progression of type 2 DM five years after the diagnosis of abnormal glucose tolerance or abnormal fasting blood glucose is estimated to be 26% and 50%, respectively [2]. The natural progression of the pre-diabetic state is insulin resistance and pancreatic B-cell dysfunction, leading to overt diabetes [3]. The prevalence of non-diabetic hyperglycaemia is steadily increasing: 541 million adults (10.6% of adults worldwide) have abnormal glucose tolerance and 319 million (6.2%) have abnormal fasting blood glucose [1].
Use of population-based health research in the context of public health
Submitted by Nicole / 15 May 2023, 14:01
Population-based studies provide extensive information on the health of the population and allow specific questions to be answered. In order to better use the results of the studies for the public health service, representatives of the public health service have the opportunity to become part of the scientific process and the research community JoinUs4Health in a series of events organised by the Academy for Public Health. This type of exchange is possible because three European cohort studies - including the SHIP study (Study of Health in Pomerania), which has been active in the Western Pomerania region since 1997 - have opened up for research cooperation with the public health service and other social actors.
Healthy Studying – Healthy University of Greifswald
Submitted by StraySheep / 15 May 2023, 12:46
Your studies take place in your own living environment. It offers challenges and opportunities. We would like to know what you would like to see for healthy studies at the University of Greifswald? Your voice is important to us because we want to create an environment that promotes your well-being.
Fit at older age
Submitted by HS86 / 12 April 2023, 11:21
Physical activity and sport are pillars of a healthy lifestyle regardless of age. Despite the many benefits of an active lifestyle, seniors move less and less in everyday life, so that their physical performance declines. The project "Fit im Alter" aims to maintain and improve the physical activity of older people and thus their health through structured training offers. The impulses for sport are to be used directly from the middle of the population and a training network is to be created. In the long term, the aim is to strengthen everyday skills and performance and also to improve confidence in one's own ability to perform, to expand the social network and thus to promote active participation in life.
DDR Psych Study
Submitted by holger.muehlan / 12 April 2023, 07:01
What effects do different conditions of growing up in East and West Germany have on health, quality of life and well-being? How influential is the GDR past for East Germany, especially in Western Pomerania? And which influences tend to have a favourable effect in the long term?
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