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    • Pozytywny efekt ogrodów terapeutyczych / The positive effect of therapeutic gardens
      Grupa jest kontynuacją tematu "Ogród dla zdrowia: Ogród społeczny jako wsparcie społeczności lokalnej w celu wzmocnienia powrotu do zdrowia osób doświadczających kryzysu psychicznego". W ramach grupy postanowiliśmy zebrać informacje z badań naukowych na temat wpływu ogrodów na zdrowie i zestawienie przykładów dobrych praktyk. Jako rezultat ma powstać krótki tekst lub infografika z zebranymi dowodami naukowymi na pozytywny wpływ ogrodów na zdrowie. The group is a continuation of the theme 'Gardening for Health: Community gardens as community support to enhance recovery for people experiencing mental health crisis'. As part of the group, we decided to gather information from scientific research on the impact of gardens on health and collate good practice examples. As a result, a short text or infographic is to be produced with the collected scientific evidence on the positive impact of gardens on health.
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    • 3 days, 12 hours ago


    • The Replicants
      Around 2010 the media dubbed the so called ‘replication crisis’ within science. The ‘replication crisis’ concerns issues surrounding reproducibility and replicability. Reproducibility entails that study results could be reproduced by other researchers, when provided with all information used by the original authors. Replicability is the practice trying to approach similar results with new data. Science builds on previous findings. Some research appeared to be unreliable since these were non-replicable or non-reproducible by other scientists. This problem appeared to exist in most scientific disciplines, with the field of (social)psychology at the centre of the controversy, where the community talks about trust crisis. These developments might be detrimental to the credibility of the scientific community. We, a group of minor students at the Erasmus Medical Centre, participating in the minor 'from science to society', aim to identify relevant research questions, helpful in gaining a better understanding of the problem at hand, and eventually suggest possible solutions to combat the crisis.
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    • 2 years, 4 months ago
