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"Bone Health" Initiative – "predictive" prevention of osteoporosis
Suggestions details
Osteoporosis ("bone loss") is a widespread "disease of civilisation". In Germany, about 5.2 million women and 1.1 million men (mostly aged >50) are affected. Every year, 885,000 people in Germany develop osteoporosis. Because the disease is asymptomatic for a long time, it is often only recognised when considerable damage has already occurred. However, through new concepts in the context of primary prevention, there is hope that early measurement of biomarkers in combination with individual interventions - especially in the areas of nutrition, micronutrient supply and exercise - can significantly reduce the personal risk of those potentially affected. Guiding questions for a citizen science project would be: Which risk factors (e.g. family tendency, lack of exercise, ...) are relevant? How can these be systematically recorded? Which biomarkers (laboratory values, e.g. vitamin D levels) could be used for invidivual risk assessment? Which interventions would be relevant for an active reduction of personal risk? The aim of the initiative would be to build up a group of interested people who a) contribute to the content of the guiding questions (especially experts from the health sector, such as doctors, nutritionists, fitness trainers) and b) a group of potentially affected users who would like to work concretely on their health and on reducing their individual risk in the medium to long term.
*** EN: Examples of relevant publications (see below) for which one could create a summary in simple (national) language (possible task via the JoinUs4Health platform). Requirements: interest, willingness to contribute and willingness to provide support (facilitator). If interested: Vote, click "Contribute" or comment.
*** NL: Voorbeelden van relevante publicaties (zie hieronder) waarvoor men een samenvatting in eenvoudige (nationale) taal zou kunnen maken (eventuele taak via het JoinUs4Health platform). Vereisten: interesse, bereidheid om bij te dragen en bereidheid om ondersteuning te bieden (facilitator). Bij interesse: Stem, klik op "Bijdragen" of reageer.
*** PL: Przykłady odpowiednich publikacji (patrz poniżej), dla których można stworzyć streszczenie w prostym (krajowym) języku (możliwe zadanie za pośrednictwem platformy JoinUs4Health). Wymagania: zainteresowanie, chęć wniesienia wkładu i chęć udzielenia wsparcia (facylitator). Jeśli jesteś zainteresowany: zagłosuj, kliknij „Współdziel” lub skomentuj.
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a) Schuerer et al (2015) - Study of Health in Pomerania:
b) Borgstroem et al (2020):