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Implementation of daily lessons in the natural environment (school grounds, park, forest, other places) into public kindergartens and public primary schools
Suggestions details
We have been brought up in a closed environment for many years. Classes at school and kindergarten are mostly held in classrooms equipped with ready-made educational aids, usually made of non-ecological materials (e.g. plastic) and virtual aids (computer programs and teaching aids from the Internet resources). Contact with nature is minimal. A lot of people think it's time for a change in this regard. People and especially children need contact with living nature, experiencing its influence with all senses every day. Since children spend most of the day in kindergarten, and then in school, these institutions should meet these basic needs. Let's create a group of people who want to change the thinking and actions of educators, carers and principals of kindergartens and schools to whom we entrust our children. A revolution in thinking about activities and spending time outdoors and in motion is also due to parents :) Education does not only apply to the young generation. If teachers learn to conduct their lessons in the field (for their own and students' better health), all their lessons, i.e. languages, maths, history, biology, etc., this would lead to many health-promoting effectss. Summarizing, the idea is to implement the following tasks: 1. Change in the thinking and mentality of the teaching staff in schools and students' parents (weather factors are not an obstacle to children's spending time in the yard for a long time, all knowledge with a little good will can be passed on outside the classroom) through extensive information activities, exchange of experiences whether participation in projects or practical workshops; 2. Introducing everyday lessons outside to kindergartens and schools (e.g. backyard, playground, playground, lawn, park, forest) 3. Making students aware of the impact of broadly understood Mass Media and advertisements available to everyone during educational lessons, even on a mobile phone equipped with the Internet. The messages conveyed on news portals are unfortunately formulated in such a way as to arouse in the recipient the emotions desired by the sender, which are often detrimental to the mental and physical health of the recipient. The awareness of the impact of information reaching us and the way in which it is transmitted makes us immune to attempts to influence our well-being and, consequently, health. 3. Improvement in the health sphere of students would also bring a revolution in the way of conducting lessons - rat race, evaluation, competition (wins the best) present in many lessons and in the minds of ambitious parents is an additional stress factor in young organisms. Is this what we really want for ourselves and our children? Is that what we're here for? Are we living for this? Learning at school means constantly gaining new experiences and knowledge, which means frequent mistakes, mistakes for which children are judged. Assessment, on the other hand, is a clash with self-esteem. When self-esteem lowers, the brain automatically shifts that burden onto the body. And we have the beginning of all kinds of diseases. Do we really need grades in the education system? Or maybe we are so used to them that we cannot imagine school without them. Yet many education systems have long functioned without grades, and with great success. So I ask myself: Who and what is responsible for the maintenance of old, ineffective teaching systems in the public school? Will there be a brave one to say STOP?
*** EN: Great idea! 🌱
*** DE: Großartige Idee! 🌱
*** NL: Geweldig idee! 🌱
*** EN: I think so too
*** DE: Das denke ich auch
*** NL: Ik denk het ook
*** EN: An important voice. Outdoor classes, outdoor lessons in various weather conditions, without judging, with an incentive to creatively explore the world, without fear that it will turn out worse - learning in such conditions would certainly serve the health and increase the resilience of both students and teachers
*** DE: Eine wichtige Stimme. Unterricht im Freien, Unterricht im Freien bei verschiedenen Wetterbedingungen, ohne Bewertung, mit einem Anreiz, die Welt kreativ zu erkunden, ohne Angst, dass es schlechter wird - das Lernen unter solchen Bedingungen würde sicherlich der Gesundheit dienen und die Widerstandsfähigkeit von Schülern und Lehrern erhöhen
*** NL: Een belangrijke stem. Lessen in de open lucht, in verschillende weersomstandigheden, zonder oordeel, met een stimulans om de wereld creatief te verkennen, zonder angst dat het slechter zal aflopen - leren in dergelijke omstandigheden zou de gezondheid zeker ten goede komen en de weerbaarheid van zowel leerlingen als leerkrachten vergroten
*** EN: Thank you for your positive feedback. I am glad that you think the same :)
*** DE: Vielen Dank für Ihr positives Feedback. Ich bin froh, dass Sie genauso denken :)
*** NL: Dank u voor uw positieve feedback. Ik ben blij dat u er net zo over denkt :)